• 楊習文Xiwen Yang

    藝術家&策展人&藝術經理人 / Artist&Curator&Art Manager

    別処研究室 創辦人 / Ailleurs lab-Founder

    別処美術館 館長 / Ailleurs Arts Museum-General Director

    法國贝桑松高等美術學院 客座教授 / Institut supérieur des beaux-arts de Besançon-Guest Professor

    法國留尼旺高等美術學院 客座教授 / Ecole Supérieure d'Art de la Réunion-Guest Professor

    台灣巫登益美術館藝術總監 / Taiwan WuDengyi Art Museum-Art Director




    碩士一年級ERASMUS於英國哈德斯菲爾德大學(University of Huddersfield, UK)當代藝術系

    法國勃艮第大學(Université de Bourgogne) Bétrent Tiller 教授藝術史與藝術管理博士班

    Bachelor degree from the Sculpture Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts and (DNAP) at the Institut supérieur des beaux-arts de Besançon, France.

    Graduated with a master's degree (DNSEP) from the Institut supérieur des beaux-arts de Besançon, France.

    ERASMUS in the first year of master in the Department of Contemporary Art, the University of Huddersfield, UK.

    Doctoral of The History of Art and Art Management in the University of Burgundy in France (Université de Bourgogne) with Professor Bétrent Tiller.


    二零一五年於法國創辦ACEA藝術文化教育協會(Association Art Culture Education Ailleurs)





    二零二零年於法國阿爾布瓦市創立蓓蔻城堡國際藝術工作室(Atelier Chateau Pécauld)


    Established ACEA (Association Art Culture Education Ailleurs) in France in 2015.

    Established「1510 Contemporary Art Space」 in Taoyuan, Taiwan in 2016 and founded「Ailleurs lab」.

    In 2018, Founded 「Ailleurs Arts Museum」 as the General Director at the site of the former Mukden British American Tobacco Company, a historically protected building in Shenyang.

    In 2018, The Representative Office of the Institut supérieur des beaux-arts de Besançon established in Ailleurs Art Museum.

    In 2019, As a visiting professor of the Institut supérieur des beaux-arts de Besançon

    In 2020, Established Atelier Chateau Pécauld in Arbois, France

    In 2022, assumed the position of Director at the New Taipei Branch of the Wu Dengyi Art Museum in Taiwan.


    主要策展案/Major curatorial projects

    2023《山水真理》——巫登益當代彩墨作品展 巫登益美術館 新北

    2022《生命之境》——巫登益當代藝術作品展 中華大學藝文中心 新竹

    2020《北方的溫度——重構2020-2021》聯展 別処美術館 瀋陽

    2020《地圖·景》Noriyuki MURAKI村木紀之個人作品展 別処美術館 瀋陽

    2019《北方的溫度——邊界2019-2020》聯展 別処美術館 瀋陽

    2019《眼·界》張磊個人作品展 別処美術館 瀋陽

    2019《鳯儀·驕陽》融工業藝術與文獻展 奉天工場 瀋陽

    2019《厄洛斯的再生》Jean-Pierre SERGENT/尚-皮耶·塞尚個展 別処美術館 瀋陽

    2019《靈感 庫爾貝》中國藝術家聯展 奧爾南市 法國

    2018《北方的溫度2018-2019》聯展 別処美術館 瀋陽

    2018《音樂爆炸與保羅·克魯維爾》法國當代電子音樂會 別処美術館&奉天工場 瀋陽

    2018《靈感 路易巴斯德》阿爾布瓦計劃駐地藝術展 安德烈·武岱畫廊及阿爾布瓦市政廳 法國

    2018《偶然的娛樂》Florence PICARD芙洛倫斯·畢卡爾個人駐地作品展 別処美術館 瀋陽

    2018《雙重視覺》Alain FRANK/阿蘭·弗蘭克個人攝影展 別処美術館 瀋陽

    2018《克勞德·布都》Claude BOUDEAU/克勞德·布都行為藝術表演 龍潭市區 台灣桃園

    2017《阿爾布瓦計劃》法國阿爾布瓦駐地藝術展,安德烈·武岱畫廊 法國阿爾布瓦

    2017《軌跡》Noriyuki Muraki/村木紀之與林志民雙個展 索菲特畫廊 瀋陽

    2017《白日夢》Jo Errent/喬納坦·科恩個展 一五一十當代藝術空間 台灣桃園

    2017《軌跡》Noriyuki Muraki/村木紀之個展 一五一十當代藝術空間 台灣桃園

    2016《這就是你,一個藝術家》Jean-Pierre SERGENT/尚-皮耶·塞尚個展 M50藝術區集裝箱畫廊 上海

    2016《在別處》中法藝術家聯展 甘樂阿舍美術館 台灣台南

    2015《貝桑松造型藝術雙年展》 中國藝術家邀請展 法國貝桑松

    2014《永恆的機器》留法中國青年藝術家聯展 貝桑松高等美術學院 法國貝桑松


    Major curatorial projects

    2023 "The Essence of ShanShui", Wu Dengyi Art Museum, New Taipei,Taiwan.

    2022 "The Wonder of Life" , Chung Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

    2020 Group Exhibition "The Northern Temperature 2020-2021" , Ailleurs Art Museum, Shenyang.

    2020 "Mapscape" Noriyuki MURAKI Solo Exhibition, Ailleurs Art Museum, Shenyang.

    2019 Group Exhibition "The Northern Temperature 2019-2020", Ailleurs Art Museum, Shenyang.

    2019 "Eye·Boundary" Zhang Lei's Solo Exhibition, Ailleurs Art Museum, Shenyang.

    2019 "Fengyi·Blazing Sun'' Fusion Industrial Art and Documentation Exhibition, Mukden Factory, Shenyang.

    2019 "Eros Regenerating life" Jean-Pierre SERGENT Solo Exhibition, Ailleurs Art Museum, Shenyang.

    2019 "Inspiration Courbet" Chinese Artists Group Exhibition, Ornans, France.

    2018 Group Exhibition "The Northern Temperature 2018-2019", Ailleurs Art Museum, Shenyang.

    2018 "Music Eclaté and Paul Clouvel" French Contemporary Electronic Concert, Ailleurs Art Museum & Mukden Factory, Shenyang.

    2018 "Inspiration Louis Pasteur" Project Resident and Art Exhibition, Gallery André Oudet and Arbois City Hall, Arbois, France.

    2018 "Accidental Entertainment" Florence PICARD Personal Residency Exhibition, Ailleurs Art Museum, Shenyang.

    2018 "Double Vision" Alain FRANK Solo Photography Exhibition, Ailleurs Art Museum, Shenyang.

    2018 "Claude Boudeau" Claude BOUDEAU, Performance Art, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

    2017 "Plan Arbois" Group exhibition by Artist-in-Residence, Gallery André Oudet, Arbois, France.

    2017 "Track" Noriyuki MURAKI and LIN Zhimin Double Exhibition, Sofitel Gallery, Shenyang.

    2017 “Rêve éveillé" Jo Errant Solo Exhibition, 1510 Contemporary Art Space, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

    2017 "Track" Noriyuki MURAKI Solo Exhibition, 1510 Contemporary Art Space, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

    2016 "This is you, an artist" Jean-Pierre SERGENT Solo Exhibition, Container Gallery in M50 Art District, Shanghai.

    2016 "Ailleurs" Chinese and French Artists Group Exhibition, Asir Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan.

    2015 "Biennale of Plastic-Art of Besançon” Exhibition for Invitational Chinese Artists Part, Besançon, France.

    2014 “Machine Eternelle" Group Exhibition of Young Chinese Artists in France, Institut supérieur des beaux-arts de Besançon, France.

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