• 別處研究室2016年由楊習文初創於台北,主創成員由海峽兩岸留英/法設計師和策展人組成。團隊專注於當代藝術領域的藝術品收藏與投資諮詢,藝術家的職業發展與商業合作,成熟的商業品牌實體空間藝術化,以及藝術教育領域的精英美學私塾。

    Ailleurs Lab was founded in Taipei in 2016 by Ivin YANG. The founders are designers and curators studied in the U.K. and French. The team focuses on contemporary art collection and investment consulting, professional artists development and business cooperation. Merge artistic into commercial spaces, and aesthetics elite art education.



    Ailleurs Arts Museum is the first physical art space renovation and regeneration project in mainland China launched by the Ailleurs Lab in 2017. It is a historically protected, the former site of the British-American Tobacco Company, located at No. 64-8 Xiaoxi Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang City. Ailleurs Arts Museum opened on July 2018 and has become a famous private art museum in Shenyang. Ailleurs Lab brings art resources into the old house created an international art centre, Art Salon, exhibition and Kid's Art workshop and variety of artistic experience to the commercial brands. Ailleurs Lab also has a trainee program for Shenyang's outstanding youth. We adhere to the protection of historical buildings and the respect of local culture, we aim to become the best art consultant for the city's top commercial brands.

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    別處故事 Our Story


    2016年,「Ailleurs Lab別處研究室」在臺灣成立,工作室設立在桃園龍潭區復興路的三層“透天厝”,一樓亦隨即被我們改建成為當代藝術空間,取名為「一五一十當代藝術空間」。2016至2017年一五一十當代藝術空間主辦多場當代藝術展覽并開始同法國貝桑松高等美術學院建立國際藝術家駐留計畫合作,兩年間共接待並展出四位法國藝術家,一位日本藝術家和三位中國藝術家,促成當代藝術与在地文化交流的若干實驗項目和公共藝術事件,很快成為在當地有影響力的藝術機構。

    In 2016, the "Ailleurs Lab" was established in Taiwan. The studio was set up in a three-story "shophouse" on Fuxing Road in Longtan District, Taoyuan. The ground floor was promptly converted into a contemporary art space, named "50Plus Contemporary Art Studio". From 2016 to 2017, 50Plus Contemporary Art Studio organized several contemporary art exhibitions and began collaborating with the Institut supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Besançon in France to establish an international artist residency program. Over two years, the space hosted and exhibited the works of four French artists, one Japanese artist, and three Chinese artists, facilitating various experimental projects and public art events that fostered exchanges between contemporary art and local culture. It quickly became an influential art institution in the local art scene.

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    In the summer of 2017, Ailleurs Lab received a private invitation to design the revitalization of the former site of the British-American Tobacco Company, built in 1928, located on Xiao Xi Road in Shenyang, China. After a year of preparation, we opened the space to the public under the name "Ailleurs" and embarked on a nearly three-year project to transform the historic building into a private art museum. Through structural repairs and renovation initiated by the landlord, the original brick walls and solid wood floors were restored. These twin foreign-style buildings had been vacant for four years, gathering layers of dust, with their rusty gates tightly shut. Few in the vicinity even knew about the place. After a year of research and design and a two-month construction period, on June 30, 2018, we inaugurated the first art exhibition in this space. The dual solo exhibitions of two French artists captivated the attention of people from all walks of life in Shenyang towards this beautiful mansion. Over the following two and a half years, we hosted one art exhibition and cultural event after another in this space called "Ailleurs". The opening reception style and the private museum ambiance of Ailleurs Arts Museum quickly became templates for other institutions to reference and study. However, at the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused the core activities of Ailleurs Arts Museum to temporarily halt. The essence of the museum lies in "international art and cultural exchange." This core concept allows the museum to continually evolve and maintain its vitality. Repetition of form could quickly render it mundane and uninteresting.

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    2020年底,別處研究室結束了這個美好的項目,暫停了在中國大陸的商業藝術化實踐,帶著經驗與期待回到臺灣,創始人習文與蔚蔚夫婦開始全身心投入在位於中央新村中央八街的自家老房的改建活化, 「Susi」應運而生。「Susi」的拼音拼寫作為英文字名稱。因為空間不大,卻包含了畫廊、茶室、咖啡廳、書架墻等多個版塊,設計採取中西結合的復古風,一些從法國帶回來的古董和從瀋陽寄回來的原別處美術館的傢俱讓這個空間小巧精緻且溫馨獨到,再以法文中「藝術客廳」補足全名——「Susi Art Salon」。“書中還有你我同別處的故事”,這一句代表了書適和別處研究室的關係,關於歷史文化的繁體字簡體字中文書充盈著滋養你我的人生智慧,習文蔚蔚留學歐洲期間以及後來每年往返於東西方帶回外文書成為習慣,慢慢收集的在各地工作和生活中結緣的書本,還有曾擺放於別處美術館裡的桌椅、古董、畫作,還有由著名書法家竇文鼎老師所題的墨寶「大隱別處」,在瀋陽懸掛兩年後終又回來臺灣......數不盡的美好回憶化為新生活的動力。

    At the end of 2020, Ailleurs Lab concluded this wonderful project and temporarily paused its commercial artistic practice in mainland China. With experiences and expectations, founders Ivin and Weiwei returned to Taiwan. They dedicated themselves to the revitalization of their own old house on Central 8th Street in Central New Village, giving birth to "Susi." "Susi" is spelled phonetically in English. Because the space is not large yet encompasses various sections like a gallery, tea room, café, and bookshelf wall, the design adopts a retro style combining Eastern and Western elements. Some antiques brought back from France and furniture sent from Shenyang's former Ailleurs Arts Museum imbue the space with a unique coziness. The French term "Art Salon" completes the full name — Susi Art Salon. "In the book, there's a story of you and me elsewhere." This phrase represents the relationship between books and Ailleurs Lab. Traditional and simplified Chinese books on history and culture are full of wisdom nurturing our lives. Ivin and Weiwei's habit of bringing back foreign books from their European studies and annual travels between East and West enriched their collection. Books gathered from various places where they worked and lived, as well as the tables, chairs, antiques, and artworks once placed in Ailleurs Arts Museum, including the calligraphy masterpiece "大隱別處" inscribed by the renowned calligrapher Dou Wen-ding, which hung in Shenyang for two years before returning to Taiwan... Countless beautiful memories are transformed into the driving force for this new life.



    In 2022, Ivin Yang took on the role of Director at the New Taipei Branch of the Wu Dengyi Art Museum, a museum established in Taipei 101 that was expanding to new locations. This marked the beginning of another chapter in Taiwan's relationship with the "old soul." The Chalk White Mansion, built in 1875, along with its associated structures, transformed into a contemporary art park after 150 years. The Tamsui Harbor, with its rich history, became a unique perspective to view the world through Taiwan's past and present. It became a label representing Taiwan's diverse culture and its connection to modern history. The Wu Dengyi Art Museum continues the history and the present of this century-old building by showcasing Mr. Wu Deng-yi's lifelong artistic achievements. With an open attitude that blends Eastern and Western influences, the museum is crafting an international arts and culture platform that focuses on Taiwan's local art while fostering global exchange. This foundation emphasizes the allure and value of ink art and propels Taiwanese art toward the future. This will also be a new story for "Ailleurs" in Taiwan in the post-pandemic era...

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