• Ailleurs Arts Museum別處美術館 


    Ailleurs Arts Museum is the first physical art space renovation and regeneration project in mainland China launched by the Ailleurs Lab in 2017. It is a historically protected, the former site of the British-American Tobacco Company, located at No. 64-8 Xiaoxi Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang City. Ailleurs Arts Museum opened on July 2018 and has become a famous private art museum in Shenyang. Ailleurs Lab brings art resources into the old house created an international art centre, Art Salon, exhibition and Kid's Art workshop and variety of artistic experience to the commercial brands. Ailleurs Lab also has a trainee program for Shenyang's outstanding youth. We adhere to the protection of historical buildings and the respect of local culture, we aim to become the best art consultant for the city's top commercial brands.



    In the summer of 2017, Ailleurs Lab received a private invitation to design the revitalization of the former site of the British-American Tobacco Company, built in 1928, located on Xiao Xi Road in Shenyang, China. After a year of preparation, we opened the space to the public under the name "Ailleurs" and embarked on a nearly three-year project to transform the historic building into a private art museum. Through structural repairs and renovation initiated by the landlord, the original brick walls and solid wood floors were restored. These twin foreign-style buildings had been vacant for four years, gathering layers of dust, with their rusty gates tightly shut. Few in the vicinity even knew about the place. After a year of research and design and a two-month construction period, on June 30, 2018, we inaugurated the first art exhibition in this space. The dual solo exhibitions of two French artists captivated the attention of people from all walks of life in Shenyang towards this beautiful mansion. Over the following two and a half years, we hosted one art exhibition and cultural event after another in this space called "Ailleurs". The opening reception style and the private museum ambiance of Ailleurs Arts Museum quickly became templates for other institutions to reference and study. However, at the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused the core activities of Ailleurs Arts Museum to temporarily halt. The essence of the museum lies in "international art and cultural exchange." This core concept allows the museum to continually evolve and maintain its vitality. Repetition of form could quickly render it mundane and uninteresting.




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  •  別處藝術工作坊Workshop

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    By 光雍&Vivi


    經過一個夏天的研習,我們邀請到來自台北曾入選台灣著名舞團【雲門舞集】的Kuang Yung光雍老師,並聯合了【DRAMA ENT樹·英文戲劇】,打造出這個【多感知美術館——Body-Performance兒童肢體表演藝術營】。

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    By 莫奈&Vivi


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    By 歐家成&Vivi
    別處美術館今年度第五位駐地藝術家來到瀋陽進行駐留,來自台北的攝影師 歐家成 為別處的大小孩們帶來了一個週末的攝影體驗工坊!現工作及居住於上海的歐家成,為自由職業攝影師,任教於上海華東師範大學攝影客座講師,本次別處兒童藝術工坊的課程設計包含攝影靜物構圖、室內與戶外拍攝,數碼相機操作到膠卷相片的成像原理。大小孩們透過欣賞歐老師及國內外攝影藝術家作品,以及實際操作數碼及一次性相機拍攝,為別處美術館留下了美麗的回憶!
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    『看 TO SEE 』芳妮·馬汀 Fanny Martin工作坊

    By Fanny&Vivi
    在駐地藝術家芳妮·馬汀的帶領下, 三位藝術家、設計師和13位小朋友通過兩個週末的團隊創作,『看 To See』展覽將在別處美術館的東館一樓展廳開幕。什麼樣的孩子團,能開出這樣的腦洞?來自不同學校、家庭的他們又是如何一同觀察、發現和分享?讓我們通過孩子們的創作和調研成果,看看他們的展覽是如何誕生的!
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    By Vivi
    別處美術館的這個夏季,特別推出法國當代絲網版畫藝術家——尚-皮耶·塞尚(Jean-Pierre SERGENT)個展「厄洛斯的再生」。與此同時今年是法國現實主義繪畫大師——古斯塔夫·庫爾貝(Gustave Courbet)誕辰200週年!讓我們追隨兩位大師的足跡共同探索絲網版畫的奧秘!
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    法國藝術家Alexandre Jouffroy紙雕塑師生作品展響應2019Earth Hour地球一小時

    By Alexandre&Vivi
    別處美術館三月二日舉辦由別處研究室團隊特別策劃“60+”主題展覽和法國當代藝術家Alexandre Jouffroy/亞歷山大·朱弗羅伊連同駐瀋陽期間教授小學員應主題創作作品展覽<再生/Reborn>。
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    By Florence&Vivi
    本期「別處開講」特別邀請到於今年五月第一次來到中國的法國當代藝術家Florence Picard女士再次回到中國。上一次應來自台北的Vivi老師之邀並共同完成「Vivi老師與她的藝術家朋友」系列兒童藝術Workshop在中國瀋陽的實踐。課程主體和架構由長期從事少兒藝術教育的Vivi老師研發,她結合自身在台灣的學習和教育實踐經驗,配以遊學法國期間學到的西方Workshop成熟的課程模式,核心內容乃是不變的激發並保護少兒應有的創意思維,鼓勵自由表達,揮灑天性。